Saturday, October 12, 2013

Auntie Marcella's Cucumber Chow Chow

This is an old family recipe.  We love different kids of relishes and this was something my Mom made for my Dad because... well, she couldn't get Grandma Dora's chow chow the way Dad remembered it.  This is a GREAT way to use up all those cucumbers that you think are too big to do anything with.  Run them through a food grinder, you don't even have to peel them.  Very simple recipe and great on hot dogs or hamburgers.  You can also pour over cream cheese and serve with crackers as an appetizer.  Something to note - if you are using cucumbers that are large or very seedy/watery, you might want to seed the cucumbers before grinding them up so that the chow chow isn't quite as watery.

Auntie Marcella's Cucumber Chow Chow

6 cups ground cucumbers*
2 cups ground carrots
2 medium onions, ground up
1/2 cup pickling salt
2 cups cider vinegar
3 cups sugar
1 teaspoon celery seed
1 teaspoon mustard seed

Run cucumbers, carrots and onions through a food mill or meat grinder with a fine screen.  No need to even peel the cucumbers.  Put in a large bowl with 1/2 cup pickling salt and let sit one hour.  Strain, rinse then let drain.  In a stock pot place the cucumber mix and the rest of the ingredients.  Bring to a boil and simmer 30 minutes.  Pack in pint jars leaving about 1/4 inch headspace.  Process in hot water bath canner for 10 minutes.


  1. I am trying this recipe, my mother made this l the time when we were kids and we loved it with everything

  2. I use grated cabbage red and green and yellow bell peppers and squash in my recipe my family and friends love it and it looks beatiful in jars
